Bitten by a Dog?

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tick MILLIONS in Total
Dog Attack Settlements
tick Free HOME Consultation
tick 43 YEARS Experience


$ 201,000.00                                      Erie County PA

On September 6, 2016, your Erie County dog attack lawyer obtained court approval to settle a North East PA dog bite claim for $201,000.00. Attorney Thomas J. Newell had previously filed with the Erie County Orphans’ Court a detailed Petition for Minor’s Compromise requesting permission from the Court to conclude the PA dog attack legal claim.

The parents of the young girl traveled to Erie to testify before Judge Elizabeth K. Kelly regarding their child’s injuries, her recovery and their plans concerning the dog attack settlement proceeds. The Erie County dog bite injury attorney provided the Court with documentation establishing that he had obtained the policy limits from the two homeowners insurance policies that covered this unprovoked dog attack.

The tax-free structured settlement plan will provide guaranteed payments of $42,000.00 at age 18; $52,000.00 at age 19; $62,000.00 at age 20 and $67,867.00 at age 21. The Erie County dog bite lawyer attached as an Exhibit to his Petition a document produced by A.M. Best Company proving that the annuity company had an A++ financial rating.

Regarding the Erie County dog attack itself, the little girl’s father took her with him when he went to visit a relative. A family friend’s mixed-breed dog was in the house at the time and suddenly jumped up and bit her on the left cheek. She was rushed from North East PA to a nearby hospital where sutures were needed to close the facial dog bite wounds.  Numerous medications were prescribed. Fortunately, the Erie area resident remained free of any infections.

The girl’s parents knew it was critical to choose the best Erie County dog bite lawyer to maximize all aspects of her Pennsylvania personal injury claim. A couple of weeks later, the Erie County dog bite attorney received a call from the child’s mother and a free home consultation was scheduled. Attorney Newell met with the parents in North East PA and provided them with a thorough legal analysis. The parents were very happy to report that no infections had developed and the dog bite wounds had healed without incident. At the insistence of the Erie County dog attack attorney, a final evaluation took place with an Erie plastic surgeon one year post attack. It was the physician’s opinion that no additional surgery was needed.

Thomas J. Newell, Esquire then began the settlement negotiation process with the defendants’ insurance companies. He supplied them with a detailed demand package which included comparisons with another high-value dog bite claim which the Erie County dog attack injury lawyer had recently settled. Attorney Newell was especially pleased that he was able to obtain the maximum insurance company payments possible without have to file an Erie County Pennsylvania dog bite lawsuit against the girl’s relative and family friends.


What qualities should the best Erie County dog bite lawyer possess?


The PA dog attack lawyer has aggressively represented PA dog bite victims in 38 Pennsylvania Counties. The content of this website is for informational purposes only and is NOT legal advice for your specific Pennsylvania dog attack claim. Settlements/verdicts in other PA dog bite claims were based upon the unique set of liability and damage facts of each case, as well as the law that existed at that time.

The PA Dog Law and the legal decisions regarding Pennsylvania dog bite lawsuits can change at any time. Attorney Newell strongly advises you to immediately consult with an experienced Pennsylvania dog bite lawyer to review the facts of your dog attack and the injuries you sustained. The PA dog attack attorney provides free home consultations to all PA dog bite victims whose cases he believes have legal and economic merit.


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Bitten by a Dog?

Contact your Erie County
PA Dog Attack Lawyer

Erie County
Dog Attacks


Erie Dog Attack Lawyer Near Me Analyzes New Dog Bite Case

On 6/25/22, your Erie County dog bite injury attorney provided a thorough analysis to a Hermitage PA dog attack victim. She arrived at the designated date and time to assist a client regarding their home refinancing situation. The Defendants assured the Mercer County resident that their dog was friendly and not aggressive. Only after the unprovoked attack took place did the homeowners “come clean” and admit that their dangerous dog had previously bitten a neighbor.

Your Pennsylvania dog attack attorney suggested that the Mercer County resident visit a plastic surgeon 8-9 months post attack for an evaluation.


Erie County Dog Bite Lawyer Gives Free Consult

On 5/16/22, your attorney for dog attacks in Erie County PA provided a free consultation to a woman after she had been attacked by a relative’s German Shepherd. The Erie County resident instinctively threw up her arm to block the vicious dog. She sustained severe dog attack lacerations that required numerous stitches and local Lidocaine injections. She also received a tetanus shot and was given a prescription for antibiotics.

As a result of her nightmares and flashbacks, she also treated with an Erie area mental health professional. Attorney Thomas J. Newell supplied her with her legal options versus the negligent dog owner.


Erie County Dog Attack Attorney Consulted

On 6/10/19, your lawyer for dog bites in Erie County PA was contacted by a woman from North East PA. An unleashed and unsupervised pit bull had left its property and attacked her. She sustained multiple severe injuries, including a torn meniscus and a fractured knee cap. Substantial additional medical treatment is expected.

The Erie County dog bite lawyer instructed the woman to give her full cooperation regarding the police investigation. Pending charges include failing to have the pit bull licensed,  failing to have the pit bull up-to-date with its rabies vaccinations and failing to confine the pit bull. Attorney Newell urged the Erie dog bite attack victim to suggest to the authorities that a “Harboring a Dangerous Dog charge also be levied vs. the pit bull owner.
