Meeting with the lawyer for dog bites in PA in the comfort of your home will ease the mental stress of hiring an attorney to serve your legal needs.
Frequently, family members have additional insight into the facts of the unprovoked dog attack, as well as detailed information concerning the victim’s injuries.
The PA dog bite attack lawyer welcomes the opportunity to speak with all family members who have relevant information.
What could be more convenient than to have the PA dog bite lawyer sit down with you at your kitchen table to discuss your case with you?
If the scene of the unprovoked dog attack is nearby, he will personally view it with you.
If your child has been bitten, it is always much easier for them to talk with Attorney Newell in the familiar surroundings of their home rather than at an intimidating law office.
Why go through the hassle of travel, parking and sitting in a waiting room when the lawyer for dog bite injuries will come to you?
Request the name and address of anyone who the PA Dog Warden suspects has violated the PA Dog Law;
Investigate all potential PA Dog Law violations;
Cite and prosecute any Pennsylvania dog owner who the PA Dog Warden believes has violated the PA Dog Law, including:
a. Section 305 – Failure to Confine
b. Section 502-A – Harboring a Dangerous Dog
Request a District Justice to subpoena all eyewitnesses to testify on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania concerning a PA Dog Law Citation;
Request all documents regarding licensing and proof of rabies vaccination from any dog owner within the Dog Warden’s County;