On Aug. 6, 2013, Attorney Thomas J. Newell was hired by a Philadelphia dog bite victim. The woman was delivering mail for the USPS on July 30th when the defendant’s mixed breed/bulldog got loose, pursued her and then attacked. The Philadelphia dog attack victim was knocked to the ground and bitten all over her body.
The postal carrier was taken to Torresdale Hospital where the ER physician needed approximately 60 stitches to close the dog bite wounds to her left calf and left arm. Philadelphia Police are investigating this attack. Hopefully, PA Dog Law charges will be filed against this negligent dog owner.
If you or a loved one have been attacked by an unleashed dog, call 1-800-980-4842 to set up a free home consultation with Attorney Thomas J. Newell. Put Attorney Newell’s 32 years of experience to work for you. Visit his website: www.PADogAttackLawyer.com